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Preventing Overheight Incidents: NHVR’s Campaign for Height Awareness

A recent incident in the Sydney M5 tunnel has sparked significant concern over the issue of overheight loads. As a response, the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) has taken decisive action, prosecuting a driver for failing to comply with dimension requirements. This incident has prompted the NHVR to prioritize height awareness campaigns and educate operators and drivers on the importance of checking load heights. In this blog post, we will delve into the details of the incident, explore the NHVR’s awareness campaign, and emphasize the significance of adhering to height clearances to prevent similar accidents in the future.

The M5 Tunnel Breach:

In December of last year, a driver attempted to enter the Sydney M5 tunnel, unaware of their load’s height. The vehicle collided with the tunnel’s roof, causing significant damage. The driver was subsequently charged under the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) for failing to comply with dimension requirements. This incident highlights the crucial need for drivers and operators to be diligent in measuring load heights and planning their journeys accordingly.

NHVR’s Focus on Height Awareness:

Director of Operations Central Region, Brett Patterson, stresses the importance of measuring truck height and planning ahead to ensure compliance with tunnel height clearances. The NHVR recognizes that loads can shift during transportation, making it imperative for drivers to check their load before embarking on a trip and throughout their journey. The NHVR has joined forces with the NSW government to launch an education and awareness campaign aimed at preventing overheight incidents. This initiative seeks to inform drivers about proactive measures they can take to avoid such accidents, including obeying road rules and familiarizing themselves with critical locations along their route.

Chain of Responsibility Investigation:

In addition to addressing driver awareness, the NHVR is actively investigating other parties in the Chain of Responsibility who may contribute to these overheight incidents. By recognizing the shared responsibility for safety in the transportation process, the NHVR aims to mitigate risks and hold all involved parties accountable for ensuring compliance with height regulations.


The Sydney M5 tunnel breach has prompted the NHVR to prioritize height awareness in the transportation industry. Through their education and awareness campaign, they aim to equip drivers and operators with the knowledge and tools necessary to prevent overheight incidents. By emphasizing the importance of measuring load heights, planning journeys carefully, and remaining aware of critical locations, the NHVR hopes to foster a culture of heightened safety and compliance. Ultimately, by working together and embracing a proactive approach, we can prevent future breaches and ensure the safety of our roads and infrastructure.