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Main Causes of Road Fatalities: Speeding and Drunk Driving

Speeding is a dangerous practice that has caused many accidents over the years and it is a major factor in fatal crashes. Speeding can be defined as driving faster than the posted speed limit. Speeding is not only dangerous on its own, but it also increases the risk of other …

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Main Causes of Road-Related Fatalities

In 2021, there were 1,123 road crash accidents in Australia according to the Bureau of Infrastructure and Transport Research Economics (BITRE). 528 of these were drivers, 181 were passengers, 132 were pedestrians, 235 were motorcyclists, and 40 were pedal cyclists. New South Wales alone has recorded 271 deaths caused by …

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Ready to Shift to Electric Trucks?

There is a combined vehicle fleet of 19.2 million vehicles in Australia according to Climate Analytics. It is one of the world’s worst transport pollution contributors. Without having carbon emission standards at the moment, the Australian transport emissions are projected to be 82% higher than in 1990 in the year …

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Truck Driving Safety Tips

According to Reader’s Digest, Truck Drivers are one of the most dangerous jobs in the world. They had the highest number of fatalities on the job compared to any other profession. “It is better to be safety conscious than unsafe and unconscious” – a famous quote, that tells all professional …

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Shipping Container Loading Procedures

Loading cargo on a shipping container is not that easy to execute. Filling it is like assembling a 3D puzzle and putting the pieces together in the right place will save you great costs. The safety of our contents mostly depends on the proper loading. Appropriate loading is as important …

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Tips in Preparing Site for Container Delivery

According to Engineers, we can’t build a strong structure on a weak foundation. The tallest skyscrapers on earth have the deepest and most robust groundwork. It does not only apply to the buildings but to everything that needs to stand tall, last long, and be strong. Preparation is important, this …

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True Blue Aussie Truck Driver Slang 101

As a former British colony, Australia is one of the largest English-speaking nations in the southern hemisphere. For hundreds of years, Aussies have been shortening words that are too bothering to utter. Us Aussies have customized our terminologies about everything under the sun. So, regardless of who you are or …

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Measures To Consider When Transporting Oversized Loads

It is a common business in Australia to transport oversized loads. Transporting oversized loads can be very challenging without an expert’s assistance. It is critical to conduct a lot of studies about transporting oversized loads or large equipment safely. Without doing your due diligence, you’ll risk ignoring specific rules and …

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Criteria For Warehouse Selection

The customer transaction doesn’t end when an order has been placed. Warehousing gives the business a better control over their inventory and ensures that customers will receive their products on time, which ultimately leads to higher profits. Warehousing is a requirement for most businesses that manufacture, import, export or transport …

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Road safe during wet season

There were 534 truck drivers, 181 passengers and 134 pedestrians who have died on road related accidents in 2021. That alarming number is higher than what it ever was during previous years. Regardless of the situation, drivers should always keep safety measures in mind when they’re driving in freezing environmental …

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Would you like to join Tegral?

Tegral, or rather Buchanans Group which is Tegral’s parent company, is looking for an accounting and finance guru to join the team. If you think you would fit in with our culture, feel free to get in touch. – [embedyt][/embedyt]

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The Great Australian Ports

Australia as an island nation depends on shipping both international trade and domestic freights. With this, the major ports and infrastructures were strategically positioned on key locations for supply chain activities both servicing bulk and container facilities. The Australian Government has contributed to the prosperity of the economy and the …

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Guidance in Managing the risks of time slot bookings

With the increasing incidents that involves fatigue, speeding, poor loading or traffic congestions that cause significant reputational damages to businesses and can result in serious health and safety hazards, the National Heavy Regulator provided a guidance on recognising and managing the risks associated with the scheduling of delivery or pick-up …

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Australian Freight Overview

Every Australian business owner relies on freight everywhere and every day. According to the National Transportation Commission, the freight task has increased by 50% in the last 10 years and is forecasted to grow by 26% by the year 2026. The national transport task is comprised of almost one-third of …

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Largest Family-Owned Enterprises in Australia

A family-owned business can be one of the oldest business organization forms in the world. It can be defined as any business in which two or more family members are involved and the majority of the ownership and control lies within a family. Many transport Companies in Australia are operated …

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